InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonHe Couldn’t Stop Walking, No Matter How Hard He TriedWould he ever make it to the end? Did he even want to?Sep 8, 20222Sep 8, 20222
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonDo the Ends Justify the Means for We Vampires? — Bitten, Then WrittenIt’s a question every vampire has to come to terms with.Aug 25, 20226Aug 25, 20226
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonMy Parents Kept Me in a Sin BoxI learned the truth within those four walls.Jul 18, 20227Jul 18, 20227
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonThis Itch is Killing Me but No One’s ListeningIt won’t stop, and no one believes it’s happening.Jun 17, 20222Jun 17, 20222
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonI Have to Keep My Family Out or They’ll Kill MeI swear I’m not crazy.Jun 4, 20223Jun 4, 20223
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonI Swear to God I Didn’t Mean To Kill HimI don’t think I’ll ever be able to sleep again…Jun 1, 20223Jun 1, 20223
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonChains — Science Fiction Horror Short StoryNukes did nothing. Prayer did nothing. Our fate was sealed long ago.May 27, 20222May 27, 20222
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonVendetta — Horror Short StoryDavid will soon discover the cost of failure is more than blood.May 25, 2022May 25, 2022
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonHis Eyes — Horror Short Story with Audio DramatizationIn search of redemption, she’s on the brink of destruction…May 19, 20224May 19, 20224
InThe MayhembyIra RobinsonThe Red — Horror Short Story With Audio DramatizationHe thought he was lucky when his wife died…May 18, 20221May 18, 20221
InMicrocosmbyIra RobinsonGuys with Stakes and Chips on Their Shoulders — Bitten Then Written Vampire BlogDo they always have to come when I’m having a dinner party?May 17, 2022May 17, 2022
InThe JunctionbyIra RobinsonSerpentine — Short Story | Horror | Magic | RitualShe tried to get a head. The ritual wanted something different.May 15, 2022May 15, 2022
InMicrocosmbyIra RobinsonTo Hell — Horror Flash Fiction With Audio DramatizationOne simple mistake can cost you everything. Or make you a god.May 14, 2022May 14, 2022
InMicrocosmbyIra RobinsonInitiation — Flash Fiction | Horror | PsychologicalThey set the stage. The Black Rose Society is watching.May 10, 2022May 10, 2022
Ira RobinsonVengeance is Hers — Short Story | Horror | Madness | RevengeOne woman’s quest for revenge takes a turn into horror.May 7, 20221May 7, 20221
InMicrocosmbyIra RobinsonThe Greatest Lie In The Smallest Font | Flash FictionWe just keep clicking, don’t we?Apr 24, 20221Apr 24, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyIra RobinsonRecess — Short Story | Horror | Dark | Intense — Includes Audio DramatizationHow can a father allow his child to live in a devastated world?Apr 16, 20222Apr 16, 20222
InILLUMINATIONbyIra RobinsonMonstrous — A Fairy Tale of Horror — Fantasy | Short StoryTroy was, without doubt, one bad kid.Apr 11, 2022Apr 11, 2022
InILLUMINATIONbyIra RobinsonAre You Having Fun Yet? — Short Story | HorrorImages from the past? The future? How is this possible?Apr 2, 20221Apr 2, 20221